The People Behind the Tech @ Cliqz

Following the announcement that the Cliqz story is over, we felt that bringing a sense of closure with a last article on the tech blog was in order.
One of the reasons we started this blog in the first place was to document the work we did at Cliqz over the last years. Dissemination and knowledge sharing was of course the main motivation. But we also wanted to leave a testimonial of the motivation and history of Cliqz. Our learnings, we hoped, could serve to inspire others to follow similar steps and show how building independent and private-by-design technologies was possible—we do not pretend this is the only way, but it was our way.
At the time, the final post of the advent was meant to be a farewell post, because we were not sure how long Cliqz could keep going. However, our investors—benefactors would be more accurate—convinced us to continue, against all odds. The situation has, however, changed again. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, economic recession and ever switching political landscape has hit the last nail on Cliqz’s coffin.
Because there can be no tech without the people, we want this last post to be about everyone who contributed to the Cliqz story over the years. Without the work of many talented and passionate people from all over the world—more than 30 countries—nothing you read on this blog would exist. We are sad that the dream of Cliqz is done for, but even sadder that such an amazing team is disbanded. It was a pleasure working with you all. If you have the chance, hire any of those, you will not regret it. If we missed someone—for alumni it is tricky to get the names out because of GDPR—please do get in touch.
We have prepared a page where you can find contacts for most of the people who contributed to Cliqz over the years, check it out. If you are feeling nostalgic and just want to remember the good ol’ days, look below.